What concomitant phenomenon took place in the vessel of liquid by the agency of fire 由于火的作用,水容器里发生了何等伴随而至的现象?
The rights may be exercised by making a request to the data controller or processor without formalities , also by the agency of a person in charge of the processing 可以通过无条件向数据控制器或处理器发出请求来执行权利,也可以通过负责人代理。
The narrow slot can simulate an infinite thin transverse magnetic wall in the patch , by the agency of which the relative electrical dimension of the effective part of radiation is enlarged 由于槽很窄,它可模拟为在贴片中插入一无限薄的横向磁壁,从而加大了天线有效辐射部分的相对电尺寸。
Under the supervision of the ministry of public security , two murderers were finally captured by the agency of public security after 70 days and were sentenced to death by xiamen intermediate people s court on august 30th , 2002 在公安部直接督办下,公安机关奋战70多天终于侦破此案,两名凶犯终被抓获,于8月30日由厦门市中级人民法院宣判并执行死刑。